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Voices of Powerful (Jewish) Women: Recommended Reading

As part of my journey to correct the tragic deficit in women’s voices on my bookshelf I asked people for the authors & books that most enriched their Jewish learning and living. These were their recommendations:

Rachel Adler’s Engendering Judaism
Judith Antonelli's In the Image of God
Ada Rapoport Albert's Hasidic Studies: Essays in History and Gender
Sue Elwell & Nancy Fuchs Kreimer's (Eds.) Chapters of the Heart: Jewish Women Sharing the Torah of Our Lives
Rabbi Jill Hammer and Holly Shere's Siddur HaKohanot
Marcia Falk’s The Book of Blessings: New Jewish Prayers for Daily Life, the Sabbath, and the New Moon Festival
Rabbi Emily H. Feigenson's Beginning the Journey: Toward a Women's Commentary on Torah
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb's She Who Dwells Within
Rachel Beth Gross' Beyond the Synagogue
Aliza Lavie's (Ed.) A Jewish Woman’s Prayer Book
Naomi Levy's Talking to God
Simi Peters's Learning to Read Midrash
Renee Levine Melammed's Heretics or Daughters of Israel?: The Crypto-Jewish Women of Castile
Rabbi Marcia Prager’s The Path of Blessing
Sylvia Rothschild & Sybil Sheridan's (Eds.) Up the Timbrel: The Challenge of Creating Ritual for Jewish Women Today
Sheila Shulman's Watching for the Morning: Selected Sermons
Rabbi Kari H. Tuling's Thinking About God: Jewish Views

People also suggested I check out the following voices:
Danya Ruttenberg, Tamar Ross, Judith Hauptmann, Catherine Heszer, Christine Hayes, Mara Benjamin, Sarah Stroumsa, Charlotte Elisheva Fontibert, Christine Elizabeth Hayes, Judith Hauptman, Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, Judy Klitsner, Wiskind-Elper, Diana Lobel, Tikva Frymer-Kensky z”l, Ruth Calderon, Marra B. Gad Dara Horn, Chanda Precod-Weinstein, Sarah Hurwitz, Bari Weiss, Rachel Kadish, Nechama Leibowitz, Erica Brown, Yael Ziegler, Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, Sally Berkovic, Yael Unterman & Aviva Zornberg.
The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance's Research Library was also recommended - See

Thank you to everyone who shared!


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