Rabbi Nachman of Breslov would chant the following mantra: “Ribono shel Olam”. Whilst we often translate “olam” as “universe” or “world” the Hebrew root connects to notions of “concealment” and “hiddenness”. Therefore, we might understand “Ribono shel Olam” as meaning “Sovereign of that which is Hidden”. Chanting this mantra can be a humbling experience as it draws one's attention to the limitations of their own knowledge. No matter how much I know, there will always be more for me to discover. Over the course of my lifetime I will only reveal a tiny fraction of all that is even theoretically knowable. With this in mind I must use my time wisely, in order to reveal a singular truth: That everything in existence is connected. That everything has within it the Divine spark!
The thoughts and musings of David-Yehuda Stern