Protest is one of the most powerful, and oldest, tools at our disposal for Tikun Olam; Repairing the World. When we perceive injustice it is our duty to stand up to those responsible - whether they be witting or unwitting participants- and urge them to change their course. Protest can take many different forms. Sometimes it simply requires one to propose an alternative to, or speak calmly with, their government and leaders. Other times - if for instance the injustice continues to go unaddressed for a sustained period of time - it may be required to take on a more disruptive form. Over the past year or so, two large-scale and disruptive, protest movements have emerged. First is the global environmental movement which often falls under the banner of Extinction Rebellion. They promote “non-violent civil disobedience” in an attempt to encourage governments to take action over climate change. Their acts of protest have included closing five major bridges across the River Thames, planting t...
The thoughts and musings of David-Yehuda Stern